Buildings/Grounds Maintenance

Yellowstone Park (Grounds & Building):  Tom Iwanski

Administration Building:  Cassie Horn

Village Hall & Shelter Building:  Marlene Stueland

Village Grounds/Parks Lawn Mowing:  Marlene Stueland

Fire Station:  Dan Sommers (routine maintenance).  Major maintenance moved forward from Fire Commission

Village Trail System Grounds:  Cassie Horn


Purpose: It is the duty of the Hewitt Grounds and Maintenance Committee to maintain Village property and buildings.



  • Yellowstone Park (Grounds & Building)
    • Oversee Yellowstone Park making recommendations for maintenance.  Address and manage general building and grounds maintenance issues/tasks.  Provide monthly updates to Board.
  • Administration Building
    • Oversee general maintenance of Village Administration Building including grounds and cleaning service.  Provide monthly updates to Board.
  • Village Hall
    • Oversee general maintenance of Village Hall including grounds and cleaning service.  Provide monthly updates to Board.
  • Village Grounds/Parks Lawn Mowing
    • Oversee annual lawn mowing service contract, arrangements for Administration, Village Hall, and Treatment Plant.  Provide monthly updates to Board, as appropriate.
  • Village Storage Building
    • Oversee and address general building maintenance issues.  Provide monthly report to Board, as appropriate.
  • Fire Station Building/Grounds
    • Oversee and address general building and grounds maintenance.  Provide updates to Board, as appropriate.  Note:  Major Fire Building issues to be brought forward by Fire Commission Village representatives to full board.
  • Trail System
    • Oversee Village trail system maintenance and upkeep; make recommendations for maintenance to Board.  Address and manage trail maintenance as necessary.  Provide monthly updates to Board, as appropriate.